No, Gmel is different from Ebay and Alibaba in the kind of product we sell. We only sell African/Asian themed products.
No, you do not need to register to make an order, you only chat us with your requests after going through the catalogue on the website.
Depending on the quantity of products you buy, you may be eligible for a discount.
No, delivery fee will be included in the invoice shared with you after an order is made.
Deliveries can be cancelled not later than 2 days after payment has been made.
You can contact us via email, phone or chat through WhatsApp.
Here are three channels:
Phone: +07915033617/+07927367775
WhatsApp: +07915033617
Here are three channels:
Phone: +07915033617/+07927367775
WhatsApp: +07915033617
No, you cannot pay directy from the platform because of how fast our products sells out. We will send you an invoice once your order os confirmed.
No, deliveries are paid for and it's reflected in the total price of the order invoice.